Nature as medicine:
The traditional practice of Five Element Acupuncture.
Five Element Acupuncture is a system of medicine inspired by nature. Rooted in the Wu Hsing, or Law of Five Elements, this approach to health and wellness is based on direct observations of nature and its corresponding flow of qi in a human being.

Our mission:
Teach the clinical application of Traditional Five Element Acupuncture.
The underlying principles of Five Element Acupuncture are simple. However, mastering this system of medicine is an art developed through self-cultivation.

Join the Five Element community:
Learn a tradition that brings a lifetime of discovery and joy.
Experience the wonder of this work.
Engage with others steeped in this tradition.

Our education programs
Beginner’s Mind is at the heart of our learning.

Continuing education classes for acupuncturists
Learn Five Element Acupuncture’s deeply rooted practices and limitless nature in our:
— Consultation Clinics —
Forums for practitioners to be mentored in assessment and treatment planning.
— Seminars —
Designed to revitalize your senses and enliven your practice as a Five Element practitioner.
Classes for the general public
— Cultivating A Healing Presence —
An in-person workshop where you will learn tools to support your capacity to take healing actions in the world. Learn practices designed to help you in being a healing presence in the “treatment room of life.”
— Wisdom Watering Hole —
Free monthly Zoom gatherings, where we explore Taoist philosophy and practices designed to support you in being a healing presence in all the domains of life — family, friendships, workplace, organizations, and the larger community.

Awaken to the true nature of this medicine.
Discover the uniqueness and depth of the Five Element tradition.
We’d like to hear from you and how to support your development as a practitioner.
Please click on the button below to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!